Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Most Invaluable Ingredient

Once upon a time there was living an old man in a big town. People went to him for advice and consultation. Everybody knew that the words of the old man were of real value because of his analyzing features.

There was a young frustrated man seeking the old man’s advice. The young man had spent quite a fortune without much return. Tell me old man what shall I do to get more out of what I spend.

The honorable old man told to the young man, “A bought product or service has no value until it has this secret that cannot be sold or bought, look for the invaluable Ingredient.”

“But what is this invaluable ingredient?” asked the young man in desperation.

The old man replied with calm, “The secret or invaluable ingredient of everything you buy is what you get out of it to make you wealthier without having to work physically harder.”

Two words of this story –“Invaluable Ingredient” - are immensely important in the internet marketing business.

You can put all your effort in your business but as long as you are hided from the general public you won’t get any results in your business. With other words as long as you have no customer your business is dead. You only get customers when they see your business or hear of your business through mouth to mouth advertising. There are a lot of advertising methods. Some are useful some aren’t. You can have very useful advertising methods for free.

But always keep in mind when thinking of free advertising – why do exist paid advertising? – If free advertising is successful why should someone spend money for advertising purpose? It is like everything in life some people have a certain amount of success with free stuff and some have to pay for. But generally speaking, success doesn’t come from nothing.

You have to spend in some way money. There is nothing in life for free. You might not spend any cash but you will spend indirectly money through your time you have to exchange for the money you either don’t have or don’t like to spend. There is no existing internet marketing business without spending money. You will spend less money in the internet than in any mortar business, but to have success you have to spend money.

The beautiful thing in the marketing business and especially in the internet marketing business is that you have lot of ways to do your marketing business. And you have the option to do it for free – there are always entrepreneurs or starters without big budgets and this is the beauty in the online marketing business, you can start to climb up the ladder with very little as long as you are consistent. I repeat again, nothing is for free not in the ordinary business world and neither in the online business world even so every internet marketer shouts it out like a “piece of cake.”

Just remember there never has been and never will be a business without work.

But why I’m telling all that stuff, you might ask. There is a particular reason because there are some places you’ll get a high value of free advertising. And the cost is so low that it sounds almost like free.

Just think of “The Invaluable Ingredient” at the beginning of this letter. You don’t have to spend a fortune – you have to look for the secret of the invaluable ingredient. You can spend more and more…without achieving the desired results or you can spend intelligently…finding the invaluable ingredient and get the results you desire…it’s all up to you – but don’t blame anyone else but yourself when you do not achieve what you are looking for.

Read more about how to leverage your work by clicking here

Talk to you soon


Author's Name: Anton Winkler S.

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Anton Winkler enjoys writing about different subjects helping people to get started with their online business. You can read more about how to get started with your online business and what to to when you have your business running at antonwinkler.com